Registering Of Animals
Only current members in good standing with American Kerry Hill Association will be permitted to register their sheep.
Artificial Insemination
All animals that are the product of the AI procedure must have a signed Certificate of Breeding signed by the AI technician at the time of performing the AI procedure. The technician’s signature on the Certificate of Breeding certifies that the tattoo/ear tags match those indicated on the application and the dates of service as noted are appropriate. If lambs are born as a result of Artificial Insemination, indicate “AI” in the “Type of Birth” column on the application form. All other information required by the AKHA must be supplied on the application for the lambs to be entered into the database. Certificates issued will have “AI” for type of birth.
Foundation Ewes
All ewes being used to produce (50%) Kerry Hill progeny using insemination via laparoscopic artificial insemination with purebred Kerry Hill semen must be entered into the AKHA database as Foundation Ewes. Recognizing that breeders have made their own choices regarding Foundation Ewe breeds to institute their upgrading programs using purebred Kerry Hill semen, there are no restrictions placed on the breed type of the Foundation Ewe by the AKHA. Known pedigree information or breed type should be noted and entered into the database. Genotype, if known, should also be noted. The ewe will be issued a Foundation Ewe Certificate containing her lineage information and her registration in any other breed Registry. The required AKHA foundation ewe form can be located at and is also available at
Lamb Progeny
Before any lamb is entered into the database, the application is checked through the existing records to ensure that the information submitted is correct. Incomplete, incorrect, and illegible applications may be returned. Application of sheep for entry into the database should be presented to the Registrar on the forms provided. Applications and forms are available for download on the Associated Registry’s website. The appropriate fees must be sent with the application’s request.
Any Kerry Hill sheep recorded or registered in a recognized sheep association or registry may be considered for inclusion in the AKHA database. The sheep must be able to trace, in unbroken lines through both sire and dam, to registration in a Kerry Hill Association or Registry. Only sheep meeting the recorded or registered guidelines of the AKHA may be included. Forward a copy (front and back) of the official registration certificate in said society or association to the Registrar of the AKHA, along with an application, appropriate supporting documentation and registration fee indicated on the current fee list. All sheep entered into the AKHA database as Registered Stock must submit a DNA sample for parentage verification.
The following pertains to lambs born the year 2022 and thereafter. See “Grandfathered In Clause” for lambs born prior to 2022. No Kerry Hill sheep born in the US older than 24 months of age and not entered into the Registry or database elsewhere may be registered/recorded with the AKHA. No animal shall be accepted for inclusion into the database after it is two years old unless, in the opinion of the American Kerry Hill Association, the case merits special consideration.
Recorded Stock
All progeny of Foundation ewes (50%) shall be entered into the AKHA database as Recorded Stock. All progeny of (75%) shall also be entered into the database as Recorded Stock. No distinction on eligibility for inclusion into the Recorded Stock category shall be made as to sex of progeny.
However, no animals of Kerry Hill descent with a blood percentage of less than 50% shall be considered for inclusion in the database as Recorded Stock. Such animals may be used as Foundation Ewes.
Registered Stock
In order for an animal to be considered for inclusion in the database as Registered Stock it must be a third generation (75%) attained thru the consistent use of purebred AKHA semen or have an accumulated blood percentage of 87.5%. All sheep entered into the AKHA database as Registered Stock must submit a DNA sample for parentage verification.
When a ewe is bred to a ram (both being registered in another association), and that bred ewe is sold before she lambs, that ewe may be registered in the AKHA and when the lambs are born, they may be recorded/ registered in the AKHA, without the ram being registered in the AKHA provided the sire meets the requirements for recording/registry in the database. A completed Certificate of Breeding must accompany the application for offspring resulting from said breeding. Pedigree information for the ram shall be included with the application showing at least three generations of parentage.
When the ram used to service a ewe(s) in the AKHA database, is registered with another association other than AKHA but is not owned by the breeder, the resulting lambs may be registered in the AKHA without the ram being in the database provided he meets all other requirements for registration/recording. A completed Certificate of Breeding must accompany the application of Registry/Recording for the offspring resulting from said breeding. Pedigree information for the ram shall be included with the application showing at least 3 generations of parentage.
Any member passing ownership of a Kerry Hill sheep shall, within 60 days after payment in full or other official transfer of the ownership, issue to the new owner a transfer. This transfer is initiated by completing all the information requested on the back of the certificate including the purchaser’s name, member number (if known), address, city, state, zip code, and day, month and year of the sale. The owner of the animal as documented in AKHA records must provide a written signature authorizing the transfer.
Certificate of Breeding
When a ewe is sold as a “bred ewe”, that is after she is bred but before the lambs are born, the seller of the ewe shall supply the buyer with a Certificate of Breeding listing the month of breeding, and the farm name, ear tag number, and registration number of the ram used for this breeding.
Bill of Sale
The use and submission of a properly completed bill of sale, is strongly encouraged by the AKHA. The AKHA has provided a basic example of a bill of sale.
DNA Database
AKHA has started a DNA database of Kerry Hill rams previously imported into the US, prior to the year 2021, in hopes of finding all DNA, for if any lambs should be born in 2021 or thereafter and if an animal’s DNA is in question. And as new frozen semen is imported AKHA will takes steps to purchase 1 straw of each Import, providing cost and shipping is reasonable and AKHA is invoiced for the purchase of straw(s). AKHA has the right NOT to purchase straws.
This is not a guarantee to provide parentage or percentages, if prior parentage is not recorded in the AKHA database. The AKHA DNA database is free of charge to members to be used that are in good standing with AKHA. Non-members will pay a fee per animal.
NOTE: AKHA is searching for imported Kerry Hill frozen semen straws, which were imported prior to 2021, to added to the
AKHA DNA database. AKHA encourages anyone owning Kerry Hill semen straws of the "original rams" to contact AKHA at
Grandfathered In Clause NEW DEADLINE APRIL 30,2023
“Grandfathered In Clause” is set to expire December 31, 2022,
Animals born prior to the year 2022 will be “Grandfathered In” providing breeders have kept proper records. It is up to the owner of their sheep, to gather as much of the information as possible. AKHA will help members as much as possible, but we cannot do all the work for you. Owners are encouraged to contact the breeder and previous owners (if known) of the animal. The following will help your evaluation to obtain the proper certificate.
Pedigrees from the breeders, breeders should have documented the % of the Kerry Hill in each mating generation. Each animal shown on a pedigree must have a farm tag # and/or a scrapie tag# and percentage and breeder information. Pedigrees can be submitted in the form of a excel file or from a pedigree software.
If Laparoscopic Artificial Insemination (LAI) procedure was performed, name of 100% imported Kerry Hill ram and UK tag # is required, for each mating .